Globally "Cluckin' Awesome!"

Monday, March 19, 2012

Spring's Doorstep

Happy St Patrick’s Day weekend!  We Hope everyone had a super time drinking green beer and hopefully you found yourself with a bottle of Rooster Sauce to spice up your life in between frothy sips. As for us, in our own version of March madness we’ve got several cases of newly bottled, newly labeled (after a lot of careful measuring) Rooster Sauce all destined for local grocery stores, restaurants and people like you. There’s even a rumor that a few bottles have made their way to Canada, France, Thailand and most of the 50 States. From far and wide this week we’ve gotten great feedback from new tasters who are using the word “awesome” to describe Rooster Sauce. It’s even become a staple for certain dinner tables that need some new life ‘clucked’ into their food. In other news, the crew has been busy fine-tuning the website to ensure that it is informative, user friendly and to create a great resource for wholesalers to order directly from us on the internet. If you or someone you know has a store or restaurant that wants a high quality, American made product that’s different from the rest, then Rooster Sauce is sure to interest you – tell your friends and family, your boss, your hot neighbour, that guy at your favorite coffee shop – tell everyone because spring is in the air and everyone likes something new to start the season with. In other words, when you roll out your barbeque, Rooster Sauce will be ready.... 

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